All URIs are relative to
Method | HTTP request | Description |
deleteEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId | DELETE /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id} | 删除文件 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdBackupProgress | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/backup_progress | 获取文档备份进度 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCommit | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/commit | 获取版本历史详情 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFiles | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files | 获取文档下的文件列表 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id} | 获取文件详情 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdVersions | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id}/versions | 获取文件的历史版本列表 |
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdVersions | GET /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/versions | 获取文档历史版本 |
postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFile | POST /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/create_file | 创建文件 |
postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFolder | POST /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/create_folder | 创建文件夹 |
putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId | PUT /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id} | 更新文件 |
putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdMove | PUT /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id}/move | 移动文件 |
putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdRename | PUT /{enterprise_id}/docs/{doc_id}/files/{file_id}/rename | 更改文件夹名称 |
deleteEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$apiInstance->deleteEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->deleteEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdBackupProgress($enterpriseId, $docId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$docId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdBackupProgress($enterpriseId, $docId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdBackupProgress: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
enterpriseId | int | ||
docId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\Commit[] getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCommit($docId, $commitId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$commitId = "commitId_example"; // string | 文件历史
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCommit($docId, $commitId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCommit: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
commitId | string | 文件历史 | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSort[] getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFiles($enterpriseId, $docId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$enterpriseId = 56; // int | 企业id ( 的返回值的 id)
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFiles($enterpriseId, $docId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFiles: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
enterpriseId | int | 企业id ( 的返回值的 id) | |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSortDetail getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $versionId)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
$versionId = "versionId_example"; // string | 指定历史版本
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $versionId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
versionId | string | 指定历史版本 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\FileVersion getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdVersions($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$result = $apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdVersions($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdVersions: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdVersions($docId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$apiInstance->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdVersions($docId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->getEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdVersions: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSortDetail[] postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFile($docId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $name, $parentId)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
$name = "name_example"; // string | 文件名称(不填则由系统自动生成文件名)
$parentId = 56; // int | 父级 id(默认为 0)
try {
$result = $apiInstance->postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFile($docId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $name, $parentId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFile: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
name | string | 文件名称(不填则由系统自动生成文件名) | [optional] |
parentId | int | 父级 id(默认为 0) | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSortDetail[] postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFolder($docId, $name, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $parentId)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$name = "name_example"; // string | 文件夹名称
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
$parentId = 56; // int | 父级 id(默认为 0)
try {
$result = $apiInstance->postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFolder($docId, $name, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $parentId);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->postEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdCreateFolder: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
name | string | 文件夹名称 | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
parentId | int | 父级 id(默认为 0) | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSortDetail putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $name, $content, $message, $mentionedUserIds)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
$name = "name_example"; // string | 文件标题
$content = "content_example"; // string | 文件内容
$message = "message_example"; // string | 提交
$mentionedUserIds = "mentionedUserIds_example"; // string | 提及的用户 id,多个使用 英文 , 分隔
try {
$result = $apiInstance->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId($docId, $fileId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken, $name, $content, $message, $mentionedUserIds);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileId: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
name | string | 文件标题 | [optional] |
content | string | 文件内容 | [optional] |
message | string | 提交 | [optional] |
mentionedUserIds | string | 提及的用户 id,多个使用 英文 , 分隔 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
\GiteeEnterprise\Model\WikiSort putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdMove($docId, $fileId, $parentId, $prevId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$parentId = 56; // int | 文件移动后的父级的 file_id
$prevId = 56; // int | 移动后的同级上一个节点的 file_id(默认:0)
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$result = $apiInstance->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdMove($docId, $fileId, $parentId, $prevId, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdMove: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
parentId | int | 文件移动后的父级的 file_id | |
prevId | int | 移动后的同级上一个节点的 file_id(默认:0) | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]
putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdRename($docId, $fileId, $name, $enterpriseId, $accessToken)
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$apiInstance = new GiteeEnterprise\Api\DocsApi(
// If you want use custom http client, pass your client which implements `GuzzleHttp\ClientInterface`.
// This is optional, `GuzzleHttp\Client` will be used as default.
new GuzzleHttp\Client()
$docId = 56; // int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段)
$fileId = 56; // int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段)
$name = "name_example"; // string | 文件夹名称
$enterpriseId = 56; // int |
$accessToken = "accessToken_example"; // string | 用户授权码
try {
$apiInstance->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdRename($docId, $fileId, $name, $enterpriseId, $accessToken);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling DocsApi->putEnterpriseIdDocsDocIdFilesFileIdRename: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
docId | int | 文档 id(doc_nodes 文档列表接口的 file_id 字段) | |
fileId | int | 文件 id(docs 获取文件列表的 id 字段) | |
name | string | 文件夹名称 | |
enterpriseId | int | ||
accessToken | string | 用户授权码 | [optional] |
void (empty response body)
No authorization required
[Back to top] [Back to API list] [Back to Model list] [Back to README]